Horror movies are made about them. They are used as an accessory in every haunted house. These creepy, crawly, scary-looking creatures known as spiders are the stuff that nightmares are made of. And while most of us see the occasional spider throughout our homes year-round, don’t be surprised if you see more than your fair share darting their way around your residence over the next few months. We’re here to explain exactly why this is happening, which spiders you are most likely to see, and why investing in spider control during these cooler months can be so important.
Why Do Spiders Enter the Home During the Fall
While a few spider species are seeking access to our homes to find warmth and shelter for the winter, most California spiders are simply seeking a mate. Spiders typically mature in the summer, and as it gets closer to fall, females begin to leave off a scent called pheromones. While doing so, they stay by their webs, conserving all their energy for when it comes time to lay their eggs.
The male spider senses the female’s inviting fragrance through special hair that grows on its legs and begins wandering around, aimlessly searching for its partner. This is why you often see an abundance of spiders during the fall.
Common Spiders Found In Your Home This Time of Year Include:
Black Widow
Well-known for their bright red hourglass shape, black widows typically stay clear of humans hiding in dark, secluded places. When we come upon them by accident, they become frightened. Because they hide in storage containers, old shoes, and unused clothing, bites are common here in California. If you find yourself bitten by a black widow, contact a doctor immediately and seek medical help.
Common House Spider
The common house spider, named so because it’s found so commonly inside homes, is often seen building webs inside your garage or basement, between window panes and walls. It is dull looking, often yellow, tan, or brown, and has a white patch just behind the highest point of its abdomen. Common house spiders are not deadly but will bite when threatened. A bite from this web maker feels much like that of a bee sting.
Yellow Sac Spider
Yellow sac spiders are small and love to find refuge in closets, wardrobes, and under beds. They are yellow or cream colored with brown coloring around their heads. Unlike many other species, they hunt their prey instead of capturing it in a web. They will bite if they feel threatened, and while painful at the onset, most people recover without any symptoms. A small population of people will experience an allergic reaction. Seek medical treatment if pain and symptoms persist.
Wolf Spider
Intimidating by nature, this frightening-looking spider is covered in hair with alien-like eyes. It is large, brown, or black with grey coatings and has four small eyes on its bottom row, two bigger eyes straight above, and two bigger eyes on its forehead. They are most likely found in basements, crawlspaces, and near doors and windows. Despite its creepy appearance, it is not venomous.
Cellar Spider
This spider species is commonly found in California basements, garages, and cellars, hence its name. You may also see them in corners along the ceiling, hanging belly-up. These harmless creatures have a wispy appearance with long delicate legs. They are small in size and can be grey, tan, or white.
Practical Ways to Keep Spiders Out of the Home
Spiders enter our homes in two ways, by sneaking in and hitching a ride on plants, vegetables, toys, firewood, or anything that has been outside. If you want to keep them out, the best way to do this is by following a few basic rules.
- Replace torn or damaged window and door screens.
- Make sure all doors and windows close properly.
- Seal cracks and holes around the foundation of your home.
- Turn off outside lights at night. Light attracts insects, and spiders love insects.
- Reduce grass clippings outside your home and trim all trees and shrubs touching your walls.
- Inspect anything that has been outside before bringing it in.
- Keep your home clean. Vacuum often, and clean basements and storage areas thoroughly.
- Limit their food. Clear away any dead flies, beetles, and other insects from your patios and windowsills.
- Invest in spider control with a local professional exterminator such as O’Connor Pest Control.
Stop Spiders from Gaining Access Through Residential Pest Control Now
The best way to truly prevent spiders from biting and annoying your family is through professional spider control. O’Connor Pest Control provides a steel curtain of defense when it comes to spiders. Our residential pest control stops a variety of pests from getting in, including scary, biting spiders. We start with a free estimate and a detailed inspection. We then provide a customized treatment plan to meet the needs of your budget.
Stop living with the fear of spiders and contact our professional exterminators today. Reach us at 800-284-7985 to receive a free quote now.